
About Us

Welcome to AndrewMackayMP Your One-Stop Destination To All Your Why, What, Who, When, Where, To The Cost, Prices, and Worth Of Things And a Lot More.

Since its inception, AndrewMackayMP has gone a long way to help people achieve deep insight into the cost, price, and worth of things around them.

Editorial Team

Our editorial team is made up of 18 experienced staff which among them are what we call;

  • The market/price surveyors
  • The editors
  • The reviewers

The market/price surveyors source valid data by conducting a price survey, either by going out there, where possible, or contacting the products manufacturers/services providers and by any other possible means at their disclosure.

This data is then forwarded to the editors who put it into writing.

The article(s) written by the editors are now reviewed by the reviewers and published in good faith to the general public.

Content Credibleness

On InsightToCost, we try to ensure you receive correct, current, and factual information when reading our content.

Our contents are not merely opinions based, they contain information that relies heavily on fact-checking and calculation estimates.

Net worths and our other statistics are calculated using data from our market/price surveyors, financial analysis, market research, case studies, and from reputable public sources like Forbes, U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics(BLS), etc

These sources are cited within and or after the article for your reference.

From time to time, our articles are further evaluated and updated in conjunction with new developments and findings.


Our review articles are curated from feedback and testimonies of genuine users who have used a service in real-time and would want others to know about the pros and cons of such services.

Affiliate Disclosure

To avoid being biased, we do not participate in any form of affiliation (where we get some commission for recommending services/products that may not be worth the hype).

We hope you like our content as much as we appreciate providing them to you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments, or want to share feedback on our website topic-related product/services you have used.